Wyest 2278 Czech pils dated Jun 13 – Smack pack started at 9:00am
Mashed 66c 60 mins
20mins added 2g citric acid.
Re measured added 2f citric acid
1/2 Campden tab in mash water, other half in sparge water. Sparge water 72c
Added chez Saaz and motueka to boost base hops
Wyeast 2278 Czech pils jun 13
1050 pre boil
1054 OG
32 g Rakau aroma hops left to steep for 25 mins – stirred occasionally.
Put on controlled freezer at 20c.
Filter dregs through kava bag,into 5l fermenter ~ 4L with ~ 6g S-23
2 dec 2013
Both fermenters showing signs of ferment, took fridge down to 10c.
Initial mash reading. Meter was checked against pool pH of 7.4 and in corresponded.
After adding 4g citric acid – does not seem to drop into the 5.5 range – need to find out how to calibrate.
pool test strips indicated mash pH lower than 6.4….
Skimmed protein build up at start of boil.
12 dec
Mixed up 28g wyeast beer nutrient and microwaved and then chilled in water bath
Added 1/4 to 5L and rest to 17l
Increased fridge temp to 14c