Clean on the nose, nice body, no hops. Nice enough, ok.
Author: wilber
Using new 3kw rocks
1072 OG?
11 Aug 2013
fg 1021, kegged at 40psi
Saved yeast into jar.
8 sept 2013
Half fermented with “brew ferm” yeast on top of fob fruit starter that stalled. 1010 FG
Strong ales
Barley wine,imperial IPA, strong ale
11 Aug 2013
Strong Ale
fg 1020, kegged at 40psi – could hear leak
18 aug 2013
Barley wine 1018fg
Iipa 1020fg
Crafty beggars golden ale
Schippers scallywag, rich amber ale
Sauvin nouveau – garage project
Yakima scarlet
California Common
A comedy of errors with powering the boil. and mash issues- first half mash at 55C.
Split water on Arduino, heating element failed. Borrowed Ben’s boiler – had to split batch so boied in 15L pot and 5 L pot on stove. Power tripped off twice…
That’s what happens when you start a brew at 4:45 on a sunday….
fermented in scullery at ~7c
4 July kegged belg fob fruit fg 1.010
7 July sun
Kegged Californian common fg 1.012
Results 30 Sept 2013
18/40, so I came 7th