much darker than SRM indicated
Pitched yeast at 28c.
1060 at 26.5c
8 sep 2012
Fg 1020 – bottled two 750ml with 3ml sugar syrup, kegged the rest
much darker than SRM indicated
Pitched yeast at 28c.
1060 at 26.5c
8 sep 2012
Fg 1020 – bottled two 750ml with 3ml sugar syrup, kegged the rest
Using new 3kw element.it rocks
1072 OG?
11 Aug 2013
fg 1021, kegged at 40psi
Saved yeast into jar.
8 sept 2013
Half fermented with “brew ferm” yeast on top of fob fruit starter that stalled. 1010 FG
Barley wine,imperial IPA, strong ale
11 Aug 2013
Strong Ale
fg 1020, kegged at 40psi – could hear leak
18 aug 2013
Barley wine 1018fg
Iipa 1020fg
A comedy of errors with powering the boil. and mash issues- first half mash at 55C.
Split water on Arduino, heating element failed. Borrowed Ben’s boiler – had to split batch so boied in 15L pot and 5 L pot on stove. Power tripped off twice…
That’s what happens when you start a brew at 4:45 on a sunday….
fermented in scullery at ~7c
4 July kegged belg fob fruit fg 1.010
7 July sun
Kegged Californian common fg 1.012
Results 30 Sept 2013
18/40, so I came 7th
5 porters using a porter base.
Maris otter 6kg
Munich 500g
Crystal 330g
Pale choc 520g
Mashed at 68c for 90mins
1030@30c pre boil
20g NZ cascade 7.6% 60 mins 9 ibu
17g super alpha 13.5% 60 mins 17 ibu
26 ibu overall
Robust porter- took first runnings and boiled with 10g NZ cascade
Mini mashes:
Smoke pohutakawa grain 250g with 250g Maris otter
Sparged and added 5g cascade and boiled
Pumpkin ale
2g all spice
2g cinnamon
2g nutmeg
Whole Pumpkin cubes and covered in spice. Roasted for 40mins at 190 fan bake.
Then mashed and added to end of mash, equal
Volumes and mashed for 60mins
Sparged and added 5g NZ cascade
Base porter
Robust 1060@26c
Smoke 1034@34c
Punk 1034@33c
Wood aged
Added3g vanilla oak chips
In 1l
Perry – 1020fg after adding 30g priming sugar
Split pack of so-04 between 5 fermenters, 1,2,2,3,3 gm depending on size
Og 1050 @ 30c = 1053
Pitched bottle dregs from bruin sour onto 5 litre glass carboy
Put aside a starter, split into two
~10l with 3rd gen forbidden fruit
~10l with older smack pack of 3278 lambic blend- waiting till shows sign off starting.
1010 Fg 5.7%
12:30 start mash
25g base
5g thick
1,6g peel
2g corriander
2g hops
1035g next day
Will post spreadsheet of grain bill.
Wheat too low in weizenbock…
Rehydrated danstar Munich wheat beer dry yeast in 100ml tap water. Topped with cooled wort, then split into each batch.
American brown for western brewers conference.
Using dark batch, reduced and added 3g simcoe hops. Added more dark up to 1.5l and made ht tea of 3g simcoe aroma hops
19 may 2013
wiess bier
2×500 with 2ml priming syrup
4×750 with 3ml priming syrup
1008 fg
Wit bier
7×500 with 2ml priming syrup
6×750 with 3ml priming syrup
1008 fg
6×500 with 2ml priming syrup
3×750 with 3ml priming syrup
1008 fg
Weizen bock
2×500 with 2ml priming syrup
3×750 with 3ml priming syrup
1012 fg
Remake of – Belgium blond ii – gold medal year end
22 July 2012
6kg NZ pils
300g crystal
300g cara belg
1/2 campden tablet in mash water
500g inverted sugar to dark orange
15g Motueka boil 7.3%
10 mins:
10g Motueka 7.3%
10g waikatu NZ hallertau 7%
1 min:
10g Motueka 7.3%
10g NZ hallertau. 7%
2.5g Ellen’s dried orange peel
2.5 5g corriander split
1050og at 30c
Aerated with kenwood triblade.
Pitched Wyeast Laboratories. Forbidden Fruit™ 3463 from nano starter.
round fermentor:
1l with s-05